How Do You Know If You Need Cataract Surgery?

How Do You Know If You Need Cataract Surgery?

How Do You Know If You Need Cataract Surgery?

How Do You Know If You Need Cataract Surgery?

Cataracts are the leading cause of preventable blindness in the United States of America. They develop with age and form when the proteins clump up in your eye lens after breaking down. The clumping gradually advances and blocks or distorts your vision. However, you do not have to suffer from unclear vision when you can have cataract surgery.


Cataract surgery is among the safest surgical procedures if done with an experienced cataract surgeon. It also improves vision significantly. It involves removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with a clear artificial one. Keep reading to know if you need the surgery.


Difficulty Performing Up-close Tasks


Cataracts do not form suddenly; they develop and grow slowly. They grow over many years and can only become an issue if they interfere with your daily routines and activities. You may require cataract surgery if cataracts affect how you do your up-close tasks. See your eye doctor if you struggle with activities such as reading, texting, or sewing.


Nighttime Driving Has Become Difficult


Driving is a form of independence for many people. But having cataracts can make it very dangerous, especially at night. Cataracts make seeing at night difficult as you will see halos around lights from oncoming cars. See your doctor as soon as possible if you start experiencing these symptoms.


Before your cataract surgery, have a family member or a friend drive you at night. Doing so will help avoid endangering the life of others.


You Cannot Enjoy Your Amusement Activities


Deteriorating vision can affect the quality of your life and hinder you from enjoying the things that make you happy. Seeing with blurry or cloudy vision can become difficult because of the development of cataracts. 


You may not be able to distinguish contrast. Hence, your favorite activities will no longer feel the same. Tasks such as watching the television or cooking will stop being fun activities.


Everything Looks Yellow or With a Brown Tint 


Cataracts can make you see as if you are always looking through a stained or dirty window. Colors may seem less vibrant or faded. 


Distinguishing colors or fine details can become challenging. Usually, the best solution is getting cataract surgery to remove the clouded lens. As a result, you will see things clearly through the artificial lens to enjoy the beauty of everything you see.


Sudden Double Vision


Cataracts can cause double vision, making it impossible to finish a task. Most patients report experiencing it in one eye. Avoid activities like cooking, driving, or lifting until you have your cataract surgery.


You Have Blurry Vision


Moving around can be a challenge if your vision becomes blurry. You also have a high likelihood of injuring yourself or falling. Hence, you may have a hard time keeping your independence.  


Schedule an appointment with your eye doctor if your vision becomes blurrier. Such changes could mean you have a cataract or more severe conditions. Scheduling an appointment is the only way to determine the root cause of the problem. It will help you know when you will have your cataract surgery.


You Have Light Sensitivity


Sensitivity to light is among the early symptoms of cataracts developing. The experience can be painful. Your doctor can use this symptom to diagnose cataracts before you experience significant changes in your sight. Visit your eye doctor if you find sunlight or glare from oncoming cars bothersome.


For more about needing cataract surgery or to book a visit, call Reeve Woods Eye Center at (530) 317-EYES to reach our office in Chico, California.

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